It's like an Indiana Jones movie without rhythm, wit or personality, just a desperate headlong pace.
The series takes O'Connell and his wife Evelyn (Maria Bello, substituting for Rachel Weisz) from England, to China, in 1947.
They become embroiled in a despicable warlord's efforts to bring the Dragon Emperor (Jet Li) back to life so he can reawaken his army and unify China.
A beautiful sorceress (Michelle Yeoh) had cursed the emperor for reneging on a promise, freezing him and his men into terra-cotta figures. Now, the O'Connells must save China and possibly the world.
Fraser is an actor with amazing audience rapport, comic timing and range. With his likable features and ready smile, Fraser is already an oversized cartoon of manliness; he shouldn't be forced to magnify that impression with a cartoonish character.
The action scenes are hit-or-miss; you wonder whether the filmmakers blurred the images because they didn't have time to get the effects right. The one novel stroke is the appearance of three scary-looking, good-hearted abominable snowmen.
extravagant (adj.) 过度的;放纵的frenetic (adj.) 狂热的;发狂的franchise (n.) 系列电影;经销权to embalm (v.) 防腐保存;铭记to embroil (v.) 卷入(纠纷、战争等)despicable (adj.) 可鄙的;卑劣的to renege (v.) 背信;食言rapport (n.) 关系;互动hit-or-miss 大好大坏的;听天由命的abominable (adj.) 可憎恶的;令人不愉快的