教程:英语时差  浏览:449  
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    D: I guess it make sense. It's just I've heard that regular physical activity can strengthen your immune system and help prevent catching cold and other illnesses. So I figured that even if you’re already sick, doing something physical may help. Y: Well,again it might.But it depends on how sick you are.In some cases, like if you have a fever, working out can tax their body and make the illness worse.So you need rest to regain strength. And when they’re coming out of a really bad cold or fever, it’s best to ease back into exercise instead of jumping right back in. D: Thanks for the advise. I'm gonna take my tempreture. Y: Good idea.
      上一篇:英语时差:如何界定性别? 下一篇:英语时差:钱能买到一切?

