This is interesting.I want to bring this up.I found out about this and I can believe it. 一则趣闻 我想提一下 我得知这事后觉得难以置信
And maybe you've heard about it too. 或许大家也听说了
some families who have trouble nursing their babies have been actually purchasing breast milk on the internet. 有些无法给孩子喂奶的家庭 在网上购买母乳
Did you hear about that? And now new study by nationwide children's hospital claims that breast milk purchased online might not be safe to drink. 大家知道吗 根据全国儿童医院的调查显示 称网上买到的母乳可能并不安全
You should not? what?I just ordered ten gallons of this . 不要 什么 我才订购了10加仑呢
I love the title of the milk.Stupidest thing I have ever seen. 我好喜欢那奶的名字 简直蠢爆了
Why are you chugging it during my monolog?I need energy.Let's move on. 你为什么在我独白的时候喝啊 我需要能量嘛 继续吧
You know a lot of people in our audience use craigslist.we got young crowd,the used craigslist. 观众席上很多人使用信息网 观众们很年轻 都使用信息网
I thought we would help our audience members to make a connection by showing from time some of their ads right here on the show. 我想帮助观众们做成买卖 或牵线搭桥 所以我们时不时地在节目上展示部分观众的广告
Let's do that right now and check out the first AD. 我们现在就来吧 看看第一则广告
Needed,someone to help me pick out the right iTelephone for my grandson. 招工 谁帮忙给孙子挑个好爱蜂窝
Is your car up?For 25 dollars,I'll come over and it. 你的车子有毛病吗 我愿意过去帮你修理它 只要25美元
Wanted,Hot chick who is really into Superman but has never seen an actual Superman movie. 招人 招喜欢超人但并未看过超人电影的辣妹
Smoke too much marijuana? I'll hide it in my lungs for you. 抽了太多大麻吗 我可以替你藏在我肺里