Even the Johnny Depp cut-out behind her can't believe she's making this point. 就连她身后的约翰尼·德普纸人都不敢相信 她居然会这么说
Your way too into ,lady.I'm sorry,Lisa,but you're dead wrong. 你知道什么海盗啊 女人 抱歉 丽莎 但是你错了
There actually is a test that pirates use for .Don't believe me? 海盗确实有用来确诊坏血病的检测 不信吗
Take a look at this very rare footage we found of an actual 18th century ship. 看看这段我们找到的珍贵的18世纪海盗视频吧
Here for me pirate scurvy test.Are you a pirate?Aye.Then you've got scurvy.Next. 我是来做坏血病检测的 你是个海盗吗 是啊 那你一定有坏血病 下位
Well,right again.So the challenge still stands. 又对了 挑战继续
If you think you an error on our show,report it to teamcoco.com. 如果你觉得自己在节目中发现了错误 请上官网报告
we will sort it out right here on the air. 我们会在直播中解决
Let's see if you have what it takes to make chump meat out of the maestro. 看看你是否能让大师栽跟头
You know,I noticed recently we have a lot of young people come to the show, 我最近发现我们节目迎来过很多年轻观众
and I noticed recently a lot of people in our audience use Craigslist. 我发现我们很多观众使用信息网
So I thought,because I'm a nice guy,would help our audience member make a sale connection by showing some of their Craiglist ads right here on th show right now. 作为一个大好人 我想帮助观众们实现所需 我现在要公布一些观众们的信息广告
Let's check them out.First up,help wanted,bass player needed for my new rock band,the telemarketers. 我们看看吧 首先 招募贝斯手 加入我的新摇滚乐队 电话销售员