I used to play golf with a guy that cheated all the time. I remember once he had a hole-in-one and wrote down zero on his scorecard!
1. I used to play golf with a guy that cheated all the time.
“used to十V,"表示过去习惯性的行为,如:He used to study in this library.他以前常在这个图书馆读书。它很容易 和“be used to + v, ing”(习惯于…)弄混,这个to是介词,所以后面要接名词或动名词,如:rm used to studying at home. 我习惯在家学习。
2. I remember once he had a hole-in-one and wrote down zero on his scorecard!
打高尔夫球挥杆的次数越少,表示成绩越好,也就是说,记分卡上的数字越小,表示越厉害,但是再厉害的人, 至少也要有一分吧!