A story 一个故事
pathologist pathologist 病理学家
open up 打开
compromise 妥协
As a speech pathologist,
I often ask patients to tell me a personal story
in order to get them to open up.
Here's one man's tale:
"My friend wanted a boat more than anything.
His wife kept refusing, but he bought one anyway.
'I'll tell you what,' he told her.
'In the spirit of compromise, why don't you name the boat?'
Being a good sport, she accepted.
And when her husband went to the dock for his maiden voyage,
this is the name he saw painted on the side: For Sale. "
As a speech pathologist,
I often ask patients to tell me a personal story
in order to get them to open up.
Here's one man's tale:
"My friend wanted a boat more than anything.
His wife kept refusing, but he bought one anyway.
'I'll tell you what,' he told her.
'In the spirit of compromise, why don't you name the boat?'
Being a good sport, she accepted.
And when her husband went to the dock for his maiden voyage,
this is the name he saw painted on the side: For Sale.
pathologist 病理学家
open up 打开,敞开
tale 故事、传说
tell the tale of one's experiences
compromise 妥协、折衷、让步
compromise 和解
We can not compromise on such terms.
compromise with a person
good sport
sport 运动
sport 具有气量,胸怀大度的人
maiden Voyage 处女航
maiden 首次的,初次
a maiden speech 首次演讲
a maiden flight 飞机的首航
As a speech pathologist,
I often ask patients to tell me a personal story
in order to get them to open up.
Here's one man's tale:
"My friend wanted a boat more than anything.
His wife kept refusing, but he bought one anyway.
'I'll tell you what,' he told her.
'In the spirit of compromise, why don't you name the boat?'
Being a good sport, she accepted.
And when her husband went to the dock for his maiden voyage,
this is the name he saw painted on the side: For Sale.