Analysts say Libra has some similarities to the Bitcoin crypto-currency. However, a major difference is that Libra will be a more stable currency and will avoid the wild fluctuations in value that Bitcoin has experienced. Libra will be backed up by a basket of currencies, such as the dollar, euro and yen. It will also have the backing of major multi-national companies like Mastercard, PayPal, Spotify and Uber. The new crypto-currency could revitalize Facebook's fortunes. The finance company RBC Capital Markets said: "We believe [Libra] may prove to be one of the most important initiatives in the history of the company, to unlock new engagement and [generate new] revenue streams."
分析人士说,天秤座与比特币有一些相似之处。然而,一个主要的不同之处在于天秤座将是一个更加稳定的货币,并将避免比特币经历的剧烈波动。天秤座的后援是一篮子货币,如美元、欧元和日元。它还将得到万事达(Mastercard)、贝宝(PayPal)、Spotify和优步(Uber)等大型跨国公司的支持。新的加密货币可以重振Facebook的财富。加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBC Capital Markets)表示:“我们相信(天秤座)可能会被证明是该公司历史上最重要的举措之一,以开启新的业务,(创造)新的收入流。”