Well, the cupboard is what we call the cabinets that are in the kitchen. 嗯,我们把放在厨房里的柜子称为橱柜。
They're the like wooden boxes that have doors on them that you can put things in. 它们类似于可以开门放东西的木质箱子。
Usually, if it's a big cupboard, you have different shelves, "shelves," the singular is shelf, "shelf." 通常,如果橱柜很大,那就会有独立的格子,“shelves”的单数形式是“shelf”
Well, I go into the cupboard and I get the cereal out. 嗯,我从橱柜里拿出麦片。
The cereal, "cereal," is a very popular breakfast in the United States. 麦片(cereal),是美国广受欢迎的早餐食物。
It's usually dry and you put milk in a bowl, with the cereal, and eat the cereal and the milk together. 它一般是干燥的,你把牛奶倒在放有麦片的碗里,然后吃掉牛奶麦片。
I love cereal in the morning. I really do; I have cereal every morning. 早上我爱吃麦片。我巴不得每天早上都吃它哩。
Since I was, I think, five years old, I've been eating cereal. 我记得我是从五岁开始,就一直在吃麦片。
I take the cereal out—where it is stored in the cupboard—and I prepare my breakfast. 我拿出麦片——它放在柜橱里——来准备我的早餐。