Underwear is the piece of clothing that you put on and it covers up all of the— how should we say—things that you want to cover 内衣是你穿的一种衣物,该怎么说呢,它遮挡所有你想遮挡的东西,
so that you can keep your pants and shirt clean. 这样你就能保持裤子和衬衣的洁净。
Underwear is something that goes over your back of your body, your butt or your rear, as well as the front of the body, whatever you have there. 内衣是覆盖你的背部、臀部、以及前部的衣物。
Underwear can come for men in two basics styles usually. 男士内衣一般有两种基本样式。
There can be boxer underwear, or boxer shorts, "boxer," and that's a kind of short—or rather, a kind of underwear that it is loose on the bottom. 一是平角裤(boxer),它是一种底部很松的内裤。
So, it's almost like a pair of shorts. 因此,它几乎就像一条短裤。
The opposite of that would be briefs, "briefs." Briefs would be underwear that is not loose at the bottom; it's tight at the bottom of the underwear. 与之相对的是三角裤(briefs),三角裤是一种底部不松却很紧的内裤。
Usually it's a little smaller as well. 它一般要比平角裤略小。