The water cooler, "cooler," is a little machine that has water and you can get hot water or you can get cold water. 饮水机(cooler),是装有水的小型机器,你既可以从中接到热水,也可以接到冷水。
That expression, the water cooler, is very common. “饮水机”这个词组很常见。
When people say, "I heard it at the water cooler," or "around the water cooler," 当有人说,“我是在饮水机旁边听到的”,
that usually refers to people who are gossiping — who are talking about things they probably shouldn't. 那通常是指有人在聊八卦——有人正在说他们可能不应该说的事。
Well, I went to the water cooler and I made myself some tea, because I love drinking tea. 那个,我走到饮水机旁边并泡了一些茶,因为我特别喜欢喝茶。
There are "a couple of other people on break," 休息室里有“几个人在休息”,
notice that we use that expression "on break" — people who have stopped working — "having snacks out of the vending machine." 注意到我们使用的这个词组“on break”,人们停止工作,“吃从自动贩卖机里买来的零食”。
A snack, "snack," is a piece of food that you eat between breakfast and lunch, 零食(snack),是你在早餐与午餐之间,
or between lunch and dinner, or between dinner and going to bed. 或午餐与晚餐之间,或晚餐与上床睡觉之间吃的一种食物。
A vending machine, "vending," is a big machine where you can buy, usually, food. The verb, to vend, "vend," means to sell. 自动贩卖机(vending),通常是你能购买东西的大型机器。动词“vend”是“卖”的意思。