Often you put in a salad dressing, "dressing." 通常你会往沙拉里放入沙拉酱(dressing),
Salad dressing is a liquid, often made from some oil, that gives a better taste to your salad. 沙拉酱是一种液体,多是由油料制成来增加沙拉的口味。
So, you toss the salad in order to mix everything up. 所以,你拌沙拉是为了让所有食物混合在一起。
That verb, to toss, can also mean to throw, usually to throw something to someone else. 动词“toss”也有“扔”的意思,通常指将某物扔到别处。
Someone may say, "toss me that pen," they mean throw me that pen. 有人会说:“toss me that pen”,他们的意思是“把笔扔给我”。
Well, I am "tossing the salad" here — mixing it up, "I get out the place mats and napkins to set the table." 是的,我正“在拌沙拉”——搅拌沙拉,我取出餐具垫和餐巾摆在餐桌上。。
The place, "place," mats, "mats," are things that you put underneath the plate and the spoon, fork, and knife so that the table doesn't get dirty; 餐具垫(place mats)是一种放在盘子、汤匙、叉子和刀子下面以免弄脏桌子的物品,
we call those place mats. 我们称之为餐具垫。
They can be plastic; they can be made out of cloth, and they are used to protect your table. 餐具垫既可以是塑料,也可以是布料,都是用来保护餐桌的。