We use that same word, wrap, for putting paper around a present or a gift that you are giving someone. 用来包装你送给别人礼物的纸张,就是“包装材料”这个词。
The paper is called wrapping paper. 这样的纸称为包装纸。
You can also put food in aluminum foil. 你也可以用铝箔包装食物。
Aluminum, "aluminum," is a kind of metal. It's usually a silver color. 铝是一种金属,通常是银色的。
Foil, "foil," is like a plastic wrap but it's made from aluminum. 箔(foil)就像保鲜膜,但它是用铝做的。
It's a — it's like a long, flat sheet that you can put around something 它就像一张用来包装某物的长长的薄纸,
to keep the food in your refrigerator or in your freezer, where you have even colder temperatures. 把用它包装的食物放进冰箱里或温度更低的冰柜里。
At the end of the story, I dry the pans, the plates, the glasses, and the silverware. 故事最后,我擦干平底锅、盘子、杯子和银制餐具。
The silverware, remember, is the spoon, knife, fork that you use when you eat. 请记住,银制餐具就是吃饭时使用的调羹、刀子和叉子。