The garbage, "garbage," is just another word for trash. “Garbage”是另一个表示垃圾的词。
We sometimes talk about garbage that is trash in the kitchen in particular. 有时候我们说“garbage”,特指厨房里的垃圾。
This is the kitchen garbage, and I have to take it out, meaning I have to take the bag and put it outside so that the garbage truck can come by and pick it up. 这是厨房垃圾,我必须把它拿出去,意思是我必须把装垃圾的袋子拿到外面去,以便垃圾车过来把它拉走。
In Los Angeles, and in many cities, we also have recycling bins. 在洛杉矶以及许多城市里,我们还有回收箱。
To recycle, "recycle," means to use again, 回收(recycle)是再次使用的意思,
and in Los Angeles, we have a recycling bin where you can put your newspapers and other things that they can use again — they can recycle. 在洛杉矶,我们有可以放报纸和其它可以再次使用——可以回收物品的回收箱。
A bin, "bin," is just another name for a box, usually a plastic box. 箱子(bin),是“box”的另一种叫法,通常它是塑料箱。
In my city, we have trash containers that you can roll; they have little wheels on them. 在洛杉矶,我们有可以推的垃圾箱;它们的上面有小轮子。