Nancy和Johnson到美国出差,每天的行程都安排得满满的,除了和headquarter的同事们见面沟通以外,还要参加其他的social activities(社交活动)。在这些活动中,Nancy感受到了美国文化和社交方式的不同,她甚至感到了明显的culture shock。
Johnson这次好像不是她的老板,而是她的companion(同伴),一直帮Nancy解释各种她不理解的现象。比如,在他们经过城市的不同blocks(区域)时,Nancy发现了architecture style(建筑风格)和卫生状况的差异,她觉得这看起来很exotic(有异国风情的)。可Johnson告诉她,不同的群体往往聚居在不同的neighborhood(小区)里,比如拉丁美洲后裔、中国人、日本人和俄罗斯人等等,都会聚居在城市不同的地带。在各个neighborhood之内,人们会保持本民族的生活习惯,很多人甚至只用母语和他人交流。这让Nancy联想到她的一个大学同学,在大三的时候去英国读书,三年后回到中国,英语讲得却不比她好多少,据说是因为平时只和中国人打交道,每天只讲汉语。看来他的情况还真不是个案呢。Nancy不禁感慨,人一定要有开放的心态,积极地接受外界新鲜事物,才能不断地提高自己,丰富自己的人生。
根据事先的行程安排,Nancy和VP及总公司的几位同事要在第四天参观一个potential partner(可能的合作伙伴)的厂区——一家全球知名的high-tech enterprise(高科技企业)。这家企业的总部在Long Land,在那里也有规模很大plant(工厂),这个plant是他们用了近五年的时间建设起来的,布局合理,运作效率很高,Innovo早就希望能够过去参观、学习一下了。周一一早,一行人赶着早班飞机飞往Long Land,对方公司的Marketing Director Susanna 接待了她们。
Our head office is in Long Land. This is where most of our senior managers work. We also have four regional headquarters: in Tokyo, serving Asia and Australia; in New York, serving the whole North America; in Buenos Aires for South America; and in Frankfurt, for Europe, Africa and the Middle East. We have local offices in seventeen other countries, and in countries where we do not have our own people we usually have local agents.
Of course, we make a wide range of products but recently we have closed some factories and reduced the number of products being made at others. However, distribution is still as local as possible and we have warehouses, depots and distribution centres in almost every country in which we operate.
We have also closed some of the smaller research and development centres and moved many of our best scientists and technicians to two major centers in Germany and the United States.
We think that staff development is essential to our present and future success and we run more than 3,000 courses for our employees in the sixty offices which we have across the world.
Well, that's all I want to say about our presence worldwide. Now, if you would like to follow me, first of all I'll show you the training center and then we'll start the tour of the plant.
随后Susanna带着一行人参观了training center(培训中心)和plant。这家企业的整体运作很impressive。Innovo的同事都对双方未来的合作有了很大的兴趣和信心。
参观完plant之后,Nancy和VP赶往机场,他们的business trip(出差)接近尾声了。在回程的飞机上,Nancy突然感到自己和Johnson的sense of distance(距离感)已经在不知不觉间消失了。在此行之前,Johnson作为老板,经常给她一种无形的压力和威严,然而这次trip中,Johnson一直在充当guide和companion的角色,对她很照顾。Nancy现在觉得这个老板其实是很可爱的。
culture shock 文化冲击,对于异域文化的惊异
companion 同伴,伙伴
block 区域,地段
architecture style 建筑风格
exotic 有异国风情的
neighborhood 区域,附近
high-tech enterprise 高科技企业
head office 公司总部
senior manager 高层经理
regional headquarter 区域总部
local agent 本地代理
a wide range of 各式各样的
distribution 分销
warehouse 仓库
depot 库房
Distribution Center 分销中心
Research and Development Center 研发中心
technician 技术人员
staff development 员工培训
be essential to... 对……是必要的
presence 存在
plant 工厂
business trip 出差,差旅
headquarter/head office 总部
local office 本地办公室
factory/plant 工厂
training center 培训中心