The plan is tenuous,grab the top of the tree and use my weight to bend it over. 计划不算完备 我得先抓住树冠 然后用体重使它弯曲
So far so good,...sort of.Birch trees are meant to be bendy! 目前为止情况不错 当我没说 这树枝应该要弯曲才对
The snow took most of that. 不过雪已经把它的弹性消耗得差不多了
I'm back on my skis again,but getting through this undulating terrain is tough,and I'm going nowhere fast. 我又要开始滑雪了 但想要穿过这片崎岖不平的地势并不简单 我速度快不起来
This isn't working.These are good on the flat,but they are no good uphill. 雪橇不太管用 它们在平地上还行 但是在上坡路可不好用
Cross-country skis usually have a special kick wax applied to their base. 越野雪橇底部通常都打了特别的反冲蜡
It's rough and grips the snow.I don't have any of that,but I do have an idea. 这样雪橇底部会变得粗糙因此能防滑 我的雪橇没上那种蜡 不过我有个主意
The best way I can think of of improvising some grip on the bottom of these skis is just actually to pee on it. 我能想到增加雪橇底部摩擦力的 最好办法就是 往上面撒尿
And what I'm hoping is when that pee then freezes,snow will stick to that ice and give me a bit of traction. 我希望等尿液冻住了以后 会有一些雪黏在上面 这样就更能防滑一点