教程:荒野求生  浏览:634  
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    I'm Bear Grylls.I'm gonna show you what it takes to get out alive in some of the most dangerous places on earth. 我是贝尔·格里尔斯 我将向您展示 如何从地球上 最危险的地方 逃出生天

    I've got make it through serious challenges in the sort of places you wouldn't last a day without the right survival skills. 我曾身涉险境 面临生死考验 周遭炼狱 若没有生存技巧 你命在旦夕 而我要设法突出重围

    Now I'm in the dense jungles of Vietnam,time linger some of the most inhospitable terrain on earth, 我将深入越南的浓密丛林 在地球上极恶劣的环境下绝境逢生

    back over nature's world side were one slip could cause your life. 在与大自然的斗争中 一次失足即葬身于此

    Be a bad time for the vine to break!Every animal wants a piece of you. 这蔓藤可千万别断了 任何动物都把你当成攻击对象

    See that look, spitting cobra.You've got to get them, before they get you. 看到了吗 那是黑颈眼镜蛇 你必须得先下手为强

    I'm beating my way to against the nature,show you what you need to survive in one of the toughest environments and demand. 我在大自然中努力奋战 告诉你如何在极为恶劣的环境中生存

    This is now quite a scary place to be. 这真是个令人恐怖之地

    I'm heading deep into a country we shall compass unique place in the heart minds of all Americans. 我所前往的国家 在所有的美国人心中都是一个独特之地

    This is Vietnam,you see a one of the most cruel war towards a modern history. 这就是越南 史上这里曾发生过最残酷的战争

    During the conflict, there was just the fight,the jungle also makes the standing roll, 在战争期间 不仅仅战争导致人员伤亡 危机四伏的丛林也是导致死亡的原因

    over 3,000 Americans vitality was not go back inconscious. 有三千多美国士兵都不是战死的

    Diseases, starvations and animal attacks,the jungle also makes the standing roll, 疾病 饥饿 猛兽的攻击 换言之 丛林就是罪魁祸首

    Every year in Vietnam,30,000 people are biten by some of deadly snakes. 在越南 每年有三万人被毒蛇咬伤

    If you done want you learn,you get struggle to get out of the jungle alive. 我用毕生所学 在丛林中逃生

    And I'm heading right in the heart of it.A guy for the classing Vietnam's sergeant, 我此时正在前往丛林的中心地带 越南警官示意我们

    we just stop,when the heli go the least of the line of bottom,then I'm in the jungle for cover. 从此处降落 当直升机飞到最低处时 我就进入丛林中去

      上一篇:《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第51期:成功从亚拉巴马丛林脱险 下一篇:《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第53期:通往外界的通道


