The pilot said the weather front is closing in again.Time for change of plan. 飞行员说暴雨带又逼近了 需要临时改变计划
With all those storms around,the pliot is not taking any chance for the island. 暴风雨又要来了 飞行员不能再冒险飞往预订地点
He said he's gonna dump me at the sand bar and take my own chance from there. 他说要把我放在那个沙洲上 然后我就要自求多福了
You cannot spend long here. 你不能在这里待太久
The rot water can blow loose sand up to the air it takes and hit the engine. 海水侵蚀疏松的沙滩 并将沙子扬起 带到飞机引擎中
Not good news.With ten foot up, time to go. 这可不是什么好事 离地面约10英尺 可以跳了
That's heli out of here.But I'm on this some place to be dropped. 直升机飞走了 我却被遗弃在某个未知的地方
Just on the sand bar with a tide rising.We need to get off this, get off the island. 在这个即将涨潮的沙洲 我们赶紧动身 离开这个小岛
Soon the sand bar would be engulf by water.There's a island two miles to the east. 沙洲很快就会被海水吞没 东面两英里处有个小岛
To swim to that would take most people over an hour and a half. 一般人要花一个半小时才能游过去
A tough swim. But it'll be the only option and the obstruction lies thousands of miles of empty ocean. 游过去很艰难 但却是唯一的选择 不然就要流落在几千英里的汪洋中了
OK. Time to go swimming.Once you through surf,it's out into the open water. 好了 游泳咯 穿过这段多浪海面后 就到了平静而开阔的海域了
Tiger, bull and great white shark prowl these waters,you wouldn't wanna come face to face with any of them. 虎鲸 抹香鲸和大白鲨都生活在此 你绝不像跟它们打个照面的
Holy smoke! Look, look.Whales! Whales!Not expect in the water with this. 妈呀 看 快看 鲸鱼 是鲸鱼 没想到能看到鲸鱼
Truly odds Please go.A huge, giant drop of forty foot.Please, don't get close. 难得一见啊 别过来 这条巨鲸得有40英尺长 小心点 别靠太近
I actually feel very very wonderful being in the water with marrows that big and that close. 能在海洋中近距离地感受 这么庞大的脊椎动物 这么近距离感受这么大的脊椎动物
Just beautiful.What a privilege! 多么美好的经历啊 太幸运了