I can see land over there,where the current's taking me. 我看到陆地了 洋流正把我带过去
But between me and the sanctuary of the shoreline lies some big surf. 但在到达新的避难岛之前 还有很大海浪有待克服
Just the wind and the current are blowing me towards it's like a mouth of a river here. 风和洋流将我推进 这里像是一个河口
Try and get a good, stable position on this before the surf hits. 在海浪侵袭之前 要保持一个平稳的姿势
Once over the surf, I enter the river. 海浪一过 就进入内河了
It's a natural highway through the thick jungle. 这是穿过茂密丛林的天然通道
You see all of the banks here just this horrible jungle mangrove 瞧瞧这里的堤岸 看那可怕的红树林
but rivers like this on coastlines more often than not will lead you eventually to people. 不过 在海岸线上的河流 一般会通向有人类居住的地方
So that's what I'm following. 这也是我所期望的
You see there's not a lot of deadfall in the river, 可以看到河面上没有多少落叶
which you normally get in the jungle,which I'm hoping is a good sign. 意味着我们真的进入了丛林深处 希望是个好的迹象
It means maybe there are people or a village who keep it open as a navigable route through the jungle. 这也许意味着 有人或者村民在清理河道 以便在从林中通行