Then bunch it together.And that is what we're gonna suspend it from. 将蔓藤捆成一团 这就是我们的悬挂点
I'm gonna try and get this vine up the tree over that branch. 我要试着把藤条搭到 那条树枝上面
And then I'm gonna use that to hoist the platform up. 然后利用它 把平台升起来
Thread that over.Okay, that's reaching the ground there. 将藤条穿过去 好的 这样就能伸到地面了
If I can just get down this thing.Oh, my word! 我要爬下去 我的天呐
I've made a sleeping platform high in the jungle of Guatemala. 在危地马拉丛林中 我搭建了一个睡觉的平台
Try and get this vine up the tree over that branch. 试着把藤条 搭到那条树枝上去
But whilst I'm up the tree,the jungle throws another surprise my way. 但我爬树的同时 丛林又给了我一个惊喜
Oh, my word!In the crook of this tree,there is the mother of all larvaes. 我的天呐 在树干的弯曲部分 发现了幼虫的母体
Check that out.That's gonna turn a snack of larvae into a feast for me.Cool. 仔细看看 这一下子把我的幼虫小菜 变成虫王盛宴了 真棒
Let's get down and get this platform hoisted up. 让我们爬下去 将平台升起来
Let's see if this vine this vine holds. 看看这条藤条 能不能承受住
You know, nothing's ever easy in the jungle, is it? 热带丛林里什么都困难重重 有木有