Gut-wrenching.One thing you can do if you're stuck out here 太恶心了 在没有水的情况下如果你想活着出去
with no water source at all is actually drink the fluid from fresh elephant dung. 必须完成一件事 那就是喝这种 大象新鲜粪便里的液体
Pretty disgusting, but it could save your life. 很恶心 但能救命
Not one of the better drinks I've ever had.We shared that, as well. 没有比这更恶心的了 我们也喝了
With 15 down,we're now into the top 10 all-time greatest moments. 15个精彩片断后 我们进入十佳精彩片断
These have attracted many comments, but what do you think? 这曾经引来无数评论 敬请观看
Now, I love fishing,but fishing in the Deep South took it to a whole new level. 我喜欢钓鱼 但在美国南方腹地垂钓 却是一次全新级别的考验
I think if you ask anybody,stick your hand in dark, black Louisiana swamp river, 如果你让人 将手伸进路易斯安那州沼泽的浑水中
which is full of snakes,alligators about, snapping turtles,the vast majority of people will be like, "Ah, no." 那里满是蛇 鳄鱼和咬人乌龟 绝大多数人肯定会说不
No, I don't want to do that.I'm gonna sit at home and have a cup of tea. 反正我是不想 我只想坐在家里 喝喝茶
I was determined to use a local technique to catch one of the huge catfish that live in the swamp's muddy banks. 我决定用当地人的捕捉技巧 在沼泽泥泞的岸边 抓一条大鲶鱼
What I'm actually trying to do is just use my hand and fingers as kind of hook and bait. 我要做的就是用我的手掌和手指当做鱼钩和鱼饵
I'll see if I can get myself something. 看看能否捕到些东西
It's murky water.And we're all like, "Is it gonna happen?"You know, what's down there. 水很浑浊 我们都吃惊地问 能抓到吗 鬼知道水下有什么生物