There are lots of contenders, but I've made my choice. 让人难以取舍 但我还是选出了前五
In Mexico, it was a case of Bear versus bee,and the bee won. 在墨西哥 有一次贝尔大战蜜蜂 蜜蜂赢了
Okay, let's get in there.See, that's what I'm after. 好了 咱们进去 看 我要的就是这个
I mean, how hard can it be just trying to get some honey? 我想 拿点儿蜂蜜能有多难呢
Look, he's on my forehead.Forehead. Go away.Forehead. Go away. 它落在我额头上 额头上 走开 走开
One of the bees has stung me right between the eyes,no big deal. 一只蜜蜂在我两眼中间叮了一下 没大事儿
But, you know, one sting for a load of honeycomb isn't too bad. 为了一大块蜂巢被叮一口也算是值了
After about 30 minutes, his head started to explode.He looked like the elephant man. 大约30分钟后 他脑袋肿成了球 他看着就像是象人
It's quite a brute of a -- brute of a bee sting, this. 就蜜蜂叮咬来讲 这也太严重了
It's made all of this part of me swell up. 我这边都肿起来了
Every hour that went by,we could chart a big, big difference in the look of his face. 之后的每过一小时 我们都能看出他的脸有很大变化
Scary, dangerous moment.It feels like kind of a big price to pay for a bit of honey. 可怕而危险的时刻 为了些蜂蜜 这算是亏大了
But if you risk nothing, you gain nothing.It's just this time, it hasn't quite worked out. 但不入虎穴 焉得虎子 只是这次 并不顺利
In the Sahara desert in search of shelter,I found myself somewhere that I never thought I'd end up. 在撒哈拉沙漠里 为了找落脚之处 最后竟是个自己都难以置信的地方
When Bear says these things,you know, eyebrows raising,"Are you really gonna do that, Bear?" 贝尔谈起这些事儿的时候 我会很怀疑地问 "你真要这么做吗 贝尔"