The golden orb spider's web is said to be almost as strong as Kevlar and has been known to trap birds. 据说金刚蛛所织的网 强度接近凯夫拉尔纤维 甚至可以用来捕鸟
Okay, let's get back on the raft.The raft. 好啦 我们回木筏上吧 回来了
Thing is, you can never switch off in these swamps. 在沼泽里 你绝对不能有丝毫的懈怠
Switch off for a moment,You shoot down the wrong end of the food chain in a place like this. 一刻也不行 在这种地方 你很有可能就成为别人的囊中之物
It's not human if you don't feel a little bit scared floating down a river that's got a lot of crocs in it when you're just on a little raft. 乘着一叶小筏 漂荡在一条充斥着鳄鱼的河上 此情此境 是个人都会胆寒
It's just 'cause you are so vulnerable. 因为自己实在是太脆弱了
You're definitely not the king in waters like this.That title belongs to the salty. 这片水域绝不是你的地盘 而是那些咸水鳄的
But, you know, it's all about trying use that fear,use it to sharpen you and not let it overtake you. 但是 你需要利用这种恐惧 在它的洗礼下 战胜心中的不安
A little bit of fear is no bad thing. 有一些畏惧之情并不是坏事
The river has opened up to a deep billabong.Fish should be larger and more plentiful here. 小河进入了一片幽深的死水潭 这里应该有许多大个头的鱼
Time to try my rod and bait,But there are lots of crocs around. 该试试我的渔具了 但周围埋伏着许多鳄鱼
There's a freshwater crocodile on the bank here. 河岸边有一头淡水鳄
Look. Just on the bank,a freshwater crocodile Sunning on the rock. 看 就在岸边 一头淡水鳄 趴在石头上晒太阳