Deep under the snow, there's no room for my crew, 深处雪下 没有摄像组的容身之处
but by plunging a small camera down a stretch of piping, 但他们可以通过放入加长管的摄像机
they can get the shot of me buried in my snow coffin. 拍到我被困雪棺中的镜头
I lost a close friend to avalanche.Her body was never found. 我有一个好朋友就葬身于雪崩 遗体一直没有找到
I always thought she was invincible. 我一直觉得她战无不胜
And since then, I've had a wary respect for avalanches. 从那时起 开始对雪崩心生敬畏
In truth, I'm scared of them. 事实上 是心生恐惧
This tube simulates a burial at 12 feet and heavily restricts my breathing, 这条管道模拟了十二英尺的深埋 严重限制了我的呼吸
and already this feels way too close for comfort. 根本就谈不上舒服
Bear, that's a minute.Your blood sats are good,but the CO2 is building up. 贝尔 一分钟了 你的血氧分压还算正常 但是二氧化碳攀升
Feels like a lot more than a minute. 感觉上可比一分钟漫长多了
I'm not enjoying this.It's, you know, 炼狱一般 这感觉 要知道
just very, very claustrophobic, you know. 就是很 很幽闭恐怖 你知道
When the snow from an avalanche settles,it sets like concrete. 雪崩的雪尘埃落定 堆积如混凝土一般
You can't break free from its icy grip,and its pressure is crushing. 冰层的张力无法打破 压力逼人
Really noticing the cold much more now. 明显感觉到冷多了
Feel really, really woozy.Ah, it's horrible.Can't move.And I can't breathe properly.Utterly powerless. 感觉很 真的很眩晕 难受死了 动弹不得 没法正常呼吸 使不上力
Get buried by an avalanche,and the major killer is carbon dioxide. 被雪崩深埋 头号杀手是二氧化碳
As you exhale, it fills the space around your mouth,and eventually you asphyxiate. 呼吸的时候 充满嘴部周围空间 最终导致窒息
We're at the threshold now, Bear.You've got less than 12% oxygen. 临界点了 贝尔 氧气指标已经低于百分之十二
Carbon-dioxide levels are rising sharply now. 二氧化碳含量急速上升
As the oxygen level plummets,it gets harder and harder to breathe. 随着含氧量骤降 呼吸越来越困难
Just massive urge to need to breathe more. 迫切地需要大口呼吸
When you push your chest up and try and take a breath,it doesn't satisfy you. 然而当挺起胸膛 奋力呼吸 却没法满足
We've hit 8:15,the time our skier was buried,but the air now is running out,And I'm struggling for every breath. 八分十五秒了 正是模拟滑雪者被埋的时长 但是空气快耗尽了 每次呼吸都是一种挣扎