But first I need some live bait, 不过首先我要找一些活诱饵
And there's one quick way to get a sardine from these shallows.Here we go. 我有个办法 能让大家在短时间内从浅滩上抓到沙丁鱼 来了
Throwing rocks into the water sends out shock waves,which stun but don't kill my bait fish. 把石头扔到水里 激起水波 这能把我的诱饵鱼弄晕 但不会让它们死掉
First little sardine on the hook,then we get it in. 首先把小沙丁鱼穿在鱼钩上 然后把它放进去
Okay, let's get this guy out. 来钓个大家伙
The waters around here are rich with sea life,everything from 2-inch sardines to 20-foot sharks. 这附近的水域 富含海洋生物 从两英寸沙丁鱼到 二十英尺的鲨鱼应有尽有
Catching anything requires patience,but this is useful thinking time, 垂钓需要有耐心 但这个时间正好可以用来思考
and the brain is the most useful survival tool of them all. 而大脑恰恰是 在求生中 起到至关重要的作用
And, yeah, this is a nice time of the day for me. 对我来说 这是一天中最美好的时刻
The heat's gone out of the sun,and I've got time just to think 炎热伴随日落而逝 而我有时间坐下来思考
think things through and come up with a plan for tomorrow. 全盘考虑 审慎思量 想出明日的计划
There's an old Torres Islands saying that the sea will provide. 正如古老的托雷斯岛谚语所说 大海终会恩赐
But at the moment, it's not providing for me. 但此时此刻 我仍一无所获
We got something.Let's get him in. 钓到什么了 把它拽上来
Not a monster, but a decent-sized fish. 不是很大 但这样我已经很满意了
Yeah, that's a fingermark fish.See that? 是条指纹鱼 看到了吗
A little like a fingerprint just down there. 这里的斑纹有点像指纹