教程:荒野求生  浏览:394  
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    I've missed him, and he's gone. 我没抓到 它跑掉了

    Man, they're fast!Oh, this is hopeless. 天哪 它游得真快 这下没戏了

    With a difficult and strength-sapping sea crossing ahead of me, 要历尽千难万险 到达前面那座岛上

    there's still a need for high-energy food source. 我必须得到更充足的食物补给

    Time to move on and come up with a different plan. 现在该继续想点新办法了

    There's some trash washed up here. 这里有些被潮水冲上来的垃圾

    Always a good place to find that sort of thing. 在这里总有点好东西

    The windward point of an island all the wind and the waves and the weather 这是整座岛的迎风点 很多东西会受风 海浪和天气的作用

    driving stuff up onto the rocks. 堆积到这些礁石上面

    Bottles are always useful. Look.It doesn't matter how remote the place. 瓶子绝对是个好东西 不管什么兔子不拉屎的地方

    You'll always find some man-made material. 你总会找到工业产品

    A bit of flexible rubber hosing.That, though, could be really useful. 还有一小截橡胶软管 这个可能很有用的

    My discoveries have given me a new idea. 刚才的发现给了我新的灵感

    Almost everything that I'm hunting for or chasing is basically faster than me. 我捕杀的大多数东西 速度都比我快

    But finding just something as simple as a bit of hosing like that 但是发现了这 一小截橡胶管

    has actually given me the advantage back. 就足以让整个局面大反转

    It allows me to make a spring-loaded weapon that's gonna give me more speed. 我可以利用它来制作一个弹射箭 来提高我的捕猎速度

    I'm gonna make a simple bamboo harpoon. 我要做一个竹制鱼叉

    It's a basic design that's been used for centuries and is still in use today. 这种基本设计已经流传了几千年 一直沿用至今

    And just use the tip end of an agave plant to make a barb in this, 我用龙舌兰的末端 做了一个这样的倒钩

    So if I harpoon something, it's not gonna then come out. 如果我插到东西的时候 就不会滑出来

    Now for the all-important trigger mechanism. 接下来就是最重要的触发机制

    There's very little that you'll find in nature that has elasticity like that, 自然界中很难找到 这么有弹性的东西

    And what this does gives me back the advantage of speed. 这个小东西 完全可以弥补我在速度上的缺憾

    Next up, I'm continuing my quest to find food in preparation for a major sea crossing. 接下来 我将继续寻找食物 备战跨海大计

    It's way rougher here. I'm struggling now. 现在的海况很差 我必须努力拼搏

      上一篇:《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第408期:捕捉鲨鱼 下一篇:《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第410期:解决食物的问题


