Come on. Come on.Thing is you never want to let go of your raft. 回来 回来 记住永远不要放弃你的筏子
My sail's detached from the raft. 船帆脱离了竹筏
I can't reach it and stay with the raft. 我够不到船帆了 留在筏子上吧
Just hope the current,the wind push me the last few hundred yards in. 希望水流 和风能助我行完这最后几百码的行程
I want to get out of this water now. 我不想待在这水里了
There are sharks patrolling off this reef, 鲨鱼在这片礁带巡游
and I'm drifting fast into the breakers. 而筏子在浪中疾行
I'm getting pummeled by the waves, 海浪一阵阵地冲击着我
And all I can do is hang on and hope for the best. 我只能坚持下去 不丧失希望
But I'm over the reef and off the raft. 我终于度过了礁域 下了竹筏
I'm exhausted, battered, and bruised,but I've made it. 我筋疲力尽 遍体鳞伤 但我成功了
Golden rule of sea survival,don't get separated from your raft. 海洋求生的黄金法则 别离开你的筏子
I did the right thing, then, staying with that raft. 我选择对了 留在筏子上
That and me got washed through the breakers. 它和我经受了激浪的洗礼
That sail has long gone. 船帆则漂远了