If you want to maintain your bearing that's a river you've got to get across. 不想挑战你的耐力 这条河是必经之路
Take your time on this. 这里可得花点时间
Make sure you're certain really of the footing before you move. 在迈出步子之前 得先确保那脚踩下去是安全的
Follow this branch down, okay? 顺着这个岔道走怎么样
A lot of water piling over that waterfall. 飞流直下三千尺的瀑布
Pretty sheer drop-off. That is a problem. 这可真是个麻烦
And also, it's just slick rock going down to that. 只能摸着滑溜溜的石头过河
I don't want to end up in that white water. 水流湍急 我可不想丢了小命
It's also gonna be freezing cold.We need to find another way to try and get across there. 这水肯定冷得要命 我们得另想个法子过河
Only last year, an experienced climber was crossing a fast mountain river like this in Georgia. 就在去年 一位很有经验的登山者 在格鲁吉亚过一条类似的河流时
He lost his footing and the power of the water pinned him down against a rock. 脚底一滑 水流强大的力量将他卡在岩石间
He didn't make it.These rivers look crossable but they pack a punch.And you've always got to respect them. 因而不幸丧命 这些河流看起来应该不难过 可难度也不小 决不能小看了它们
Something hanging over there.Get over here! 这边有东西 走这边
When you're in the wild,you get used to seeing only natural forms. 在野外 你已经习惯浑然天成的自然景观
So any man-made object will stand out like a sore thumb. 因此任何人造的东西都会格外醒目
Pretty old-looking pulley system and bucket. 老式的皮带轮和篮子
You know, mountain people often used this sort of thing to ferry supplies across. 山里人常常利用这些 工具来运送给养
See, these wires are in quite good nick. 看 绳索完好无损
Should be able to make some sort of zip wire across here. 可以用来做高空滑索 穿过这里