Then into these gaps,I'm just gonna push a lot of these birch-bark shavings. 然后在这缺口里 塞进一些桦树皮屑
But I'm not gonna light this unless I really need to. 但不到万不得已 我不会点燃它
A least with this,I know I can instantly have a flaming torch in my hand. 有了这个的话 我就能确保自己手上随时都有火炬了
I just heard a noise out there. 我听到点声响
You know, I'm not gonna take any chance with this.I'm just gonna get this torch flaming. 跟你说 我不会抱侥幸心理的 我要把这火炬点燃
There you go. Hear that? 就是这个 听见了吗
I was once shown by a woodsman how to get a response from wolves. 一个樵夫曾经教过我 如何与狼产生共鸣
And if I can at least hear a response,then at least I know what I'm dealing with. 如果我能得到回应的话 我就知道我要对付的是什么了
Okay. Hear that?That,that sounds a very long way away, there. 听见了吗 这声音是从很远处传来的
There you go. Hear that?Gonna try and get some sleep. 又来了 听见了吗 我得试着睡会儿觉
Try and slow the heart rate back down again. 让砰砰乱跳的心平静一会
The morning light signals the end to what has been a long, restless night. 晨曦预示着 这个不安宁的长夜的结束
The shelter worked well, that fire. 大本营的作用发挥得不错 那火也是
To be honest, though,the weak link last night was in my mind. 但是说实话 昨晚那微弱的共鸣一直在我脑海徘徊
You know, I really found it hard just to get back to sleep after hearing those noises. 在听到那种声响以后 我真的很难入睡
The fire gave me a sense of security,and I've spotted something that means I can start another one at a moment's notice.Tinder fungus! 火给了我安全的感觉 我偶然一瞥 发现了让我能够再次生火的宝贝 火焰菌