It might be a haven for frogs,but if I'm honest, they can keep it. 这大概是青蛙梦想的天堂 老实说 还是让它们来享受好了
Hang on. This is crazy, crazy, crazy. 等等 这实在让人抓狂 抓狂啊
The river's just here. It's just there is no bank to it. 只有河 周围没有岸
Though what there is a lot of are these reeds. 但是周围有很多芦苇
Let's just see if they're. 我看看它们是不是
No, these ones aren't hollow.You can't blow through these. 不是 不是空心的 气吹不过去
These are little compartments that are airtight. 这一节一节的都是不透气的
And that means these reeds are gonna be really buoyant. 这意味着这些芦苇的浮力很大
I'm just wondering whether it might be actually more efficient 我在想 是不是用大捆大捆的芦苇
to try and build a raft out of loads and loads of these and try and float down the river. 做个竹筏顺流而下 从而加快我的行进速度
To be honest, anything's got to be better than this. 老实说 随便怎样都比现在好
Okay. Come on. Let's commit to this. 走吧 做竹筏去
Let's gather a load of reeds. 先收集一大堆芦苇
Reeds flourish in freshwater marshes like this all around the world. 全世界 芦苇在淡水沼泽里 都长得非常茂盛
For years, they've been used to make boats, 多年来 它们都是做船的好材料
some capable of traveling huge distances across oceans. 有些甚至可以远渡横洋
You know, civilizations have used reeds like this 人类利用芦苇的历史
for literally thousands of years. 可以追溯到几千年之前
Okay, what I want to do is split them, turn it around 我先把它们分开 掉个头
and look what you end up with.The thin, tapered end here. 然后你可以看到 这里是最细的地方