And already joe is feeling the strain. 乔已经精疲力尽了
How you feeling?Like I want to die. 感觉怎么样 快死了
Like I am dying a slow, painful death. 就像我即将缓慢痛苦地死去一样
No, you're doing good.You're really doing good, you know? 你做得很好 你知道吗 你真的很棒
A whole new environment that's why it's tiring. 全新的环境 这就是为什么会觉得累
It's pushing you- it pushes you to the limits. 环境在逼迫着你 迫使你到达极限
I need to get the guys motivated again, and fast. 我要尽快重燃他们的活力之火
Okay, are we getting more confident with this now? 好了 现在是不是更有信心了
I've got an idea that will give my team a lift. 我想到个主意 这应该能让他们振作起来
Okay, look, we can we can make up some time here. 好吧 听着 我们 我们能在这节省点时间
We're gonna glissade it.Okay. 我们滑下去 开始吧
Glissading is a mountain technique used to cover ground quickly and save valuable energy. 下滑是一种爬山技巧 能够快速前进并且节约宝贵的体力
I'm gonna show the guys which line to take,then give them the all-clear. 我要向他们演示应该从哪里滑下去 然后就靠他们自己了
It's all great. And remember space out. 一切安全 记住 拉开距离
All right, time for a wild ride.The run is over 300 yards long. 好吧 狂野滑行开始了 这段路超过三百码
The guys have got to keep their feet up. 他们得抬起脚部
At speeds like this, if they dig their heels in, 在这种速度下 如果脚戳进雪里
they could be thrown forward and barrel-roll off the mountain.I can't see a thing. 他们就会被甩出去 然后像桶一样滚下山 我什么都看不到
But it's worth the risk,as every mile completed brings you closer to safety. 不过冒险是值得的 因为每走完1英里 距安全地带就近一些