10 Second Trivia. What was the name of NASA’s last manned mission to the moon? Luna II, Apollo 13, Constellation or Apollo 17. The last time a human set foot on the moon surface was during NASA’s Apollo 17 mission.
The first time someone set foot on the moon occurred 50 years ago on July 16th, 1969 as part of NASA’s Apollo 11 mission. NASA estimates that 530 million people around the world watched on TV or listened on the radio as Commander Neil Armstrong took the first steps. He also took a little bit of heat over something he said.
50年前,1969年7月16日,作为美国宇航局阿波罗11号任务的一部分,人类首次登上月球。美国宇航局估计,当尼尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)指挥官迈出第一步时,全世界有5.3亿人通过电视或广播观看了这一幕。他说的话也引起人们的关注。
NEIL ARMSTRONG: The eagle has landed.
TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: When Neil Armstrong stepped out to become the first man on the moon, not a soul on earth could have guessed he would land in the middle of a cosmic controversy.
ARMSTRONG: That’s one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.
阿姆斯特朗: 这是我个人的一小步,却是人类迈出的一大步。
FOREMAN: The problem, the first part of his historic sentence, that’s one small step for man is grammatically incorrect. It should have been one small step for a man and that missing "a" has been setting off grammarians ever since.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Lift off. The final lift off of Atlantis.
FOREMAN: Through all the years NASA has insisted that he did say the "a" and modern microphones would have picked it up. Instead the word was lost on scratchy old equipment operating nearly a quarter million miles away.
And Armstrong, though he rarely gave interviews throughout his life agreed with NASA. Many scientists have tried to analyze the recordings and breakdown the sound waves with inconclusive results. But now researchers from Michigan State and Ohio State believe they have evidence that Armstrong’s utterance might have been shaped less by space than by something very down to earth.
The famous astronaut was an Ohio boy and these researchers studied hundreds of recordings of natives saying the words for and "a" and they found almost 200 times the words were pushed together making a sound like "fra" so listen again.
ARMSTRONG: That’s one small step for man.
FOREMAN: Like the moon trip itself, the theory may be a long shot but it could also prove the final word on the words of the man on the moon.
ARMSTRONG: Beautiful. Just beautiful.
FOREMAN: Tom Foreman, CNN, Washington.
福尔曼:汤姆·福尔曼 CNN 华盛顿。
10 Second Trivia. What was the name of NASA’s last manned mission to the moon? Luna II, Apollo 13, Constellation or Apollo 17. The last time a human set foot on the moon surface was during NASA’s Apollo 17 mission.
The first time someone set foot on the moon occurred 50 years ago on July 16th, 1969 as part of NASA’s Apollo 11 mission. NASA estimates that 530 million people around the world watched on TV or listened on the radio as Commander Neil Armstrong took the first steps. He also took a little bit of heat over something he said.
NEIL ARMSTRONG: The eagle has landed.
TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: When Neil Armstrong stepped out to become the first man on the moon, not a soul on earth could have guessed he wouldland in the middle of a cosmic controversy.
ARMSTRONG: That’s one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.
FOREMAN: The problem, the first part of his historic sentence, that’s one small step for man is grammatically incorrect. It should have been one small step for a man and that missing "a" has been setting off grammarians ever since.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Lift off. The final lift off of Atlantis.
FOREMAN: Through all the years NASA has insisted that he did say the "a" and modern microphones would have picked it up. Instead the word was lost
on scratchy old equipment operating nearly a quarter million miles away. And Armstrong, though he rarely gave interviews throughout his life agreed with NASA. Many scientists have tried to analyze the recordings and breakdown the sound waves with inconclusive results. But now researchers from Michigan State and Ohio State believe they have evidence that Armstrong’s utterance might have been shaped less by space than by something very down to earth. The famous astronaut was an Ohio boy and these researchers studied hundreds of recordings of natives saying the words for and "a" and they found almost 200 times the words were pushed together making a sound like "fra" so listen again.
ARMSTRONG: That’s one small step for man.
FOREMAN: Like the moon trip itself, the theory may be a long shot but it could also prove the final word on the words of the man on the moon.
ARMSTRONG: Beautiful. Just beautiful.
FOREMAN: Tom Foreman, CNN, Washington.