On September 11, 2001, amid the burning ashes ofthe World Trade Center, three New York Cityfirefighters hoisted as mall American flag removedfrom a nearby yacht. It was 5 p.m. on a day thatwould radically change the course of history.
The image, captured by a former photographerfrom The Bergen Record, became a symbol of hope and resiliency in the face of unimaginabletragedy.
这次颇有历史意义的升旗仪式被Bergen Record报社的一位前摄影师抓拍下来,成为人们面对这场惨绝人寰的悲剧时展示希望的标志图片。
But within hours of its raising, the flag disappeared from the World Trade Center site.
The iconic flag is now back in New York City, 15 years after it went missing.