教程:常春藤生活英语  浏览:494  
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    Benjamin Gates and his group of history-loving troublemakers enjoy a good mystery. Audiences were first introduced to Gates, who is played by Nicolas Cage, in the hit action movie National Treasure. Now, its sequel, National Treasure: Book of Secrets, is bringing more adventure and excitement to the screen. Many new secrets and puzzles will be solved when the film comes out on December 21. Watch as Gates follows a series of clues from Paris, to England, and then back to the United States.

    John Wilkes Booth was the man who killed US President Abraham Lincoln in 1865. When Booth's diary was found, 18 pages were gone. Mysteriously, one of the pages suddenly turns up. It says that Benjamin Gates' great-great-grandfather was one of the men who helped plan how to kill Lincoln. Gates is sure that his ancestor is innocent, and he sets out to prove it. During his search for the truth, he makes a discovery that the world isn't ready for. If you like action, treasure, and history, then make sure you check out National Treasure: Book of Secrets.

    Building Your Vocabulary

    1.mysteriously adv. 神秘地

    My car mysteriously vanished last night.


    2.innocent a. 无罪的

    Pierre was finally proved to be innocent.


    Phrases for Learning

    1.come out  (电影、书、唱片等)上映;出版;发行

    Jimmy's new book will come out next week.


    2.a series of...  一连串的……

    A series of strange accidents took place in this small town.


    3.turn up   突然露面,重新出现

    Sophie's long-lost father turned up at her wedding.


    4.set out to + 原形动词   开始做∕着手进行……

    We set out to plan our graduation trip.



    1.troublemaker n. 惹事生非者,捣蛋鬼

    2.mystery n. 谜,神秘的事物

    3.hit n. 成功并风行一时的事物(本文中作形容词用)

    4.sequel n.(书、电影、戏剧等的)续集

    5.ancestor n. 祖先

    Enjoy Box


    主演《国家宝藏》系列电影的尼可拉斯?凯吉(Nicolas Cage)是世界知名的好莱坞巨星。他的父亲是文学教授,从他小时候起就不断灌输他对艺术、文学和戏剧的欣赏能力,使他从小就对戏剧产生兴趣,并立志要当一名职业演员。凯吉于十七岁时便出道演出电影,身为知名导演弗朗西斯?柯波拉(Francis Ford Coppola)的侄子,他为了不受家族盛名之累,希望能走出自己的路,于是决定舍弃尼可拉斯?柯波拉(Nicholas Kim Coppola)这个本名,而以尼可拉斯?凯吉这个艺名闯荡演艺圈。之后,他凭着出色的演技为自己打开了知名度。1990年,他主演的《我心狂野》一片夺下第四十三届坎城影展的金棕榈大奖;1996年,凯吉在《远离赌城》一片中扮演潦倒的酒鬼,并因此荣获奥斯卡最佳男主角奖,这个奖座也将他推向演艺事业的高峰。凯吉接着转型演出动作片,卖座巨片《绝地任务》、《变脸》和《空中监狱》都是他的代表作。现在凯吉仍参与多种类型的电影,以多变的演技扮演各种角色,持续活跃于电影界。

    Tips In Use

    ...in the hit action movie National Treasure.


    本句中的 action 表『动作片』。以下为您介绍一些常见的电影类别及其经典代表作:

    1.thriller 惊悚片 → The Silence of the Lambs《沉默的羔羊》、The Sixth Sense《灵异第六感》

    2.comedy 喜剧片 → The Mask《摩登大圣》、Home Alone《小鬼当家》

    3.action movie 动作片 → Terminator《魔鬼终结者》、Face Off《变脸》

    4.horror movie 恐怖片 → The Exorcist《大法师》、The Ring《七夜怪谈》

    5.animated movie 动画片 → Toy Story《玩具总动员》、My Neighbor Totoro《龙猫》

    6.romantic movie 浪漫爱情片 → Sleepless in Seattle《西雅图夜未眠》、You've Got Mail《电子情书》

      上一篇:常春藤生活英语:A Bad Way to Start the Day 忙中有错 下一篇:常春藤生活英语:Survey Says 问卷调查

