教程:常春藤生活英语  浏览:770  
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    St.1 Valentine's2 story started a short time before his death in AD 280. The emperor at the time was namedClaudius. He decided that none of the men in the army could be married. Saint Valentine, whose real name was Valentinus, was a Christian3 priest4. He disagreed with Claudius' decision and secretly helped young couples get married. The emperor was furious at what Valentinus did. So,Claudius arrested him and put him in prison.

    Valentinus worried that his followers would lose hope because he was arrested. So, he sent them messages by tying notes to doves' legs. In the messages, he encouraged them to stay faithful and to look out for one another.

    It is also said that on the day Valentinus was killed, he wrote a goodbye note to the daughter of a prison guard. She had been blind and deaf before he had cured her. On the note, he signed, "from your Valentine." In AD 496, Pope Gelasius I declared Valentinus to be a martyr5 and Valentinus received the title6 of Saint. Although the details of Valetinus' life have been lost in history, his legend still exists.


    此外,据说在瓦仑廷斯被处死当天,他写了一张告别纸条给某位狱卒的女儿。瓦仑廷斯将她治愈之前,她一直是又聋又瞎。他在便条上签上『来自妳的瓦仑丁』(编按:此处的"from your Valentine"只是单纯署名而已。但时至今日,这样的签法则常出现在情人节卡片上,意思也变为『来自你的情人』之意)。公元496年,教宗杰拉西斯一世宣布瓦仑廷斯成为一位殉教者,同时也得到圣者的头衔。虽然瓦仑廷斯生平故事的细节在历史中为人所遗忘,但是他的传奇却依然流传至今。

    Building Your Vocabulary

    1.furious a. 暴怒的,狂怒的

    My boss was furious with me when I was late for work again.


    2.faithful a. 忠诚的,忠实的

    You should be faithful to your own feelings.


    3.declare vt. 宣布,声明

    Judy declared that she was getting married.


    Phrases for Learning

    1.disagree with... 不同意……

    Why do you always disagree with my ideas?


    2.put + 人 + in prison 将某人关进牢里

    The judge decided to put Bill in prison.


    3.look out for... 留意∕照料……

    I'm always looking out for my younger sister.


    < 参考字词 >

    1.saint n. 圣人、圣徒(缩写为 St.)

    2.Valentine n. 人名;(小写)情人

    3.Christian2 a. 基督教的

    4.priest n. 牧师

    5.martyr n. 殉道者;烈士

    6.title n. 头衔,称号


    St. Valentine's story started a short time before his death in AD 280.


    AD 表『公元』,而 BC 则表『公元前』。两者的分野为耶稣诞生那一年,其表示方法如下:

    1.500 BC → 公元前500年

    BC 为"Before Christ"(耶稣诞生前)的缩写。

    2.AD 2008 → 公元2008年

    AD 为拉丁文 Anno Domini 的缩写,其意为"in the year of our lord"(我们活在主的年代)。

    注意:若是年份不特别注明是 AD 或 BC,通常指的是公元某某年。但若是文章内两者皆同时提及,则必须写上 AD 或 BC 以示区隔。细心的读者可发现,本文中无 BC,却仍将 AD 写上,这是因为如果年份是三位数或以下,习惯上也会以 AD 标明。

    Enjoy Box



      上一篇:常春藤生活英语:善用压岁钱 下一篇:常春藤生活英语:改变世界的6度C

