第十三课 一种叫铁的金属
Iron is the most useful of all metals. Hammers, nails, grates, horse-shoes, railings, bridges, and many other things are made of iron.
在所有金属里面, 铁是最有用的一种。锤子、钉子、炉子门口的栅栏、马蹄铁、铁路、桥梁, 还有好多好多别的东西, 都是铁做的。
If we rub a piece of iron well, it looks quite bright. But if we leave the bright iron lying in the damp air, we shall soon find it covered with red rust.
要是把一块铁好好打磨打磨, 看起来会很亮。但是如果把光亮的铁放在潮湿的空气中, 我们很快就会发现, 它盖上了一层红色的铁锈。
How can we keep iron from rusting and spoiling in the damp air? We can do that in several ways—by painting the iron, or black-leading it, or even by oiling it in order to keep the air from touching the metal.
怎么才能不让铁在潮湿的空气中生锈, 变成废品呢? 有好几种办法, 比如给铁涂上油漆, 涂上石墨, 或者哪怕涂上油也行, 这样都能不让空气碰到金属。
Since iron is so useful, we ought to know something about it. It is found among the rocks under the ground. But we do not find it by itself; it is mixed with other things, and it is then known as iron ore.
铁这么有用, 我们应该了解它。人们最早是在地下的石头里找到铁的, 但是找到的不是纯粹的铁, 而是跟别的东西混在一起的铁, 我们把这时候的铁叫“铁矿石” (iron ore)。
Looking at a piece of iron ore, no one would think that there was any of the bright metal in it: it is just like a dirty black or red stone. This iron ore is first mixed with coal and piled in great heaps on the ground; then the coal is set on fire, and the iron ore is roasted. CASTING PIG-IRON (铸造毛铁)
光看铁矿石的话, 谁也不会想到里面有那种光亮的金属, 只是一块脏兮兮的黑石头, 或者红石头。人们先把铁矿石跟煤混在一块儿, 在地上堆成很大的一堆一堆, 然后把煤点着火, 把铁矿石烤一遍。
It is next mixed with some more coal and with lime, and the whole is put into a tall furnace. The heat of the coal melts the iron, and it sinks to the bottom of the furnace.
然后, 把铁矿石跟更多的煤, 还有沥青混在一块儿, 一起放进一座高炉里头。煤的热度会把铁熔化, 让熔化的铁水流到高炉底下。
The liquid iron is then allowed to run out through a hole into moulds or hollows in beds of sand, where it soon cools, and turns solid again. These solid lumps are called pig-iron.
然后, 让铁水通过一个洞流出来, 流到模具或者沙床中间的空隙, 在这儿, 铁水会很快冷却, 又变成固体, 这些铁块儿叫“毛铁” (pig-iron)。
Iron is heavy. You would not like to carry a big lump of it very far. It is so hard that it blunts your knife at once, if you try to cut it.
铁是很重的。要把一大块铁搬很远, 小朋友们肯定不愿意。铁也是很硬的, 你要是想拿刀切铁块儿, 铁块儿一下子就会把刀碰钝了。
When iron is melted, it runs like water. Then you can make it take any shape you please by pouring it into a mould made in the shape you wish. THE BLACKSMITH(铁匠)
铁在熔化的时候, 是可以像水一样流动的。这样, 做一个你想要的形状的模子, 把铁水倒进模子里, 就能把铁铸成那样的形状。
But iron becomes soft and easy to bend, even if it be made only red-hot. Watch the blacksmith as you pass his shop some day, and you will perhaps see him bending bars of red-hot iron to make horse-shoes, and cutting the hot metal quite easily with his tools. HORSE-SHOE MADE FROM A BENT BAR OF IRON (用弯曲的铁条制造的马蹄铁)
不过, 只要把铁烧到红热, 铁也能变软, 容易弯曲。小朋友, 你以后路过铁匠铺的时候, 往里看一看, 可能就会看见铁匠把铁条折弯, 来做马蹄铁;或者用工具, 很容易地把红热的铁块切开。