豌豆荚长大、长饱满之后, 人们就采下来,
The peas are taken out, and boiled for us to eat.
Let us look at the curious flower of the pea-plant.
It has a little green outer cup, with five points or teeth,
豌豆花外面有一个绿色的杯子一样的东西, 长着五个尖儿,
Next come five pretty white leaves, of which one is much larger than the others, and stands up boldly.
里面是五个漂亮的白色花瓣, 有一片特别大, 往上耸立着,
There are two small white side leaves, and two other leaves lower down,
which are shaped like a tiny boat.
The whole flower looks very much like a butterfly.
Inside the white leaves are ten yellow dust-spikes.
白色的花瓣里面, 有10枚黄色的雄蕊。
Nine of them are joined together except at their tips,
其中9枚是连在一块儿的, 只有尖端是分开的,
and in the very middle of them is the young pod with its tiny seeds.
里面有小囊, 盛着非常小的种子。
Do you know any other plants that have flowers and pods like the pea?
你知道哪些别的植物, 也有豌豆这样的花和小囊吗?
Yes; there is the bean.
对了, 还有大豆,
Then the pretty tree called the golden-drop,
whose flowers you see in May and June,
belongs to the same family of plants as the pea;
but its seeds contain a kind of poison,
and they will hurt you very much and perhaps kill you if you eat them.
要是吃了, 可能会得重病, 甚至有生命危险!
If you look at the yellow flowers of the prickly plant called the gorse or whin,
还有浑身是刺的“金雀花”, 也叫“棘豆”,
you will see that they, too, are shaped very much like the flowers of the pea.
它的花, 跟豌豆花的形状也非常像。
The heads of red and white clover, which you may see among grass,
在杂草中间, 你可能会看见红色和白色的“三叶草”探出头来, 这些小花,
are also made up of small flowers of the same kind.