地下的茎会长出小珠子一样的东西, 小珠子又会长成新的马铃薯给我们吃。地下茎周围一定要堆上土, 盖住马铃薯, 不让它们见光。
In August the stem and the leaves wither. After that we can dig up the potatoes, and we shall find that each set has given us perhaps eight or ten
八月, 马铃薯的茎和叶子就会枯萎, 之后我们就可以把马铃薯挖出来了, 每一个种下的马铃薯块大概会长出8–10个马铃薯。
But does the potato plant bear no fruit? Yes; when the flowers drop off, we see little green balls, which we call "potato apples. " These "potato apples" are real fruits, with seeds inside them.
但是马铃薯不长果实吗? 长。花落了以后, 我们会看见很小的绿球, 这些绿球叫“马铃薯果”。这些马铃薯果是真正的果实, 里面含有种子。
But if we sow these seeds, we shall only get small plants. The potatoes grown from these seeds will be no larger than marbles.
但是如果种下这些种子, 只能得到很小的马铃薯。种子长出来的马铃薯, 顶多也只有玻璃球那么大。
What is the potato made of? There is a great deal of water in it, and the solid part is nearly all starch. You can easily make potato starch by grating down a potato in a basin of water. Strain the white water through some muslin, and let it stand till all the tiny white grains of starch sink to the bottom. Then pour away the water, and dry the starch in a saucer.
马铃薯的成分是什么呢? 里面有很多水分, 固体的部分几乎全是淀粉。要得到马铃薯淀粉很容易:把一个马铃薯在一盆水里磨碎, 把白色的水用细棉布过滤一遍, 放置一段时间, 直到细小的淀粉碎屑都沉到底下。把水倒掉, 再将淀粉在碟子里晾干就行了。