第35课 蒸汽往上冒!
Do you want to know what steam is? Let us get a lump of ice, or a snow-ball, and place it in a saucer in a warm room. It soon melts, and then the saucer is half full of water. If we leave the saucer in the warm room for a few hours, we shall find that it has become quite empty.
The ice or snow was solid water. The heat changed it into liquid water, such as we drink. And then, by more heat, the liquid water was changed into water-vapour, which mixed with the air and was lost to our sight.
This shows that water can exist in three forms—first, as the solid we call ice or snow; second, as the liquid water we drink; and third, as the gas we call water-vapour.
If we put the liquid water into a little sauce-pan on the fire, the heat of the fire will change it into vapour in a few minutes. Vapour made by the boiling of water is called steam.
Now hold a tea-spoon, or something cold, in the steam as it rises. In a moment the spoon will be covered with little beads of water. The cold spoon has turned the steam back into water. Heat turns water into steam; cold turns steam into water again.
Suppose we were to put some water into a kettle, and then close up its spout, fasten down its lid, and put it over a hot fire, what do you think would happen?