The mother crab carries her eggs under her broad tail. When the young ones come out of these eggs, they are not at all like crabs, and they swim about in the sea. After a while they become like their father and mother in shape, only very much smaller.
But how can a crab grow when it is covered all over with a hard crust? Every year the crab throws off its old crust or shell, and a new and bigger shell soon grows in its place.
There are many kinds of crabs. The little green crabs you see running about in the shallow water on the sea-beach are not the same kind as the large ones which we like to eat. There are crabs with small bodies and very long legs, called spider crabs; and there are land crabs, which spend most of their life on land.
When you are paddling in the sea, do not let a crab catch hold of your toe with its "nippers;" for these nipping-claws can give a very sore pinch indeed. See how the two crabs in the picture are fighting for a fish. How they are pinching it with their "nippers"! I wonder which of them will get it in the end.