有些人喜欢用水来煮可可粒, 这样一来, 可可的上面就会形成一层可可脂。
But most people do not like so much oil in their cocoa, so a great part of it is squeezed out by pressing the kernels under heavy weights. The pressed mass of kernels may then be cut into thin slices, and this is called "flaked cocoa. "
但是, 大部分人并不愿意看到自己的可可里掺杂油脂。因此, 人们通过重压将果仁中的大部分油脂挤压出来。这些挤压过的果仁还可以切成碎片, 称为“可可碎片”。
The pressed kernels are often ground to a fine powder, which is known as "essence of cocoa. " By mixing the cocoa-powder with a little starch, we get what is called "soluble cocoa. " When boiling water is poured over cocoa essence or soluble cocoa, an excellent drink is obtained, which is much more nourishing than either tea or coffee. The boiling water dissolves the nourishing matters which are contained in the cocoa, and we then get all the strength of the cocoa in the hot water.
经过挤压的果仁一般会被碾磨成细粉, 这也就是人们所说的“可可精”。将可可粉与淀粉混合之后就获得了“水溶性可可”。当我们将开水倒在可可精或水溶性可可上面时, 一杯香浓的饮料便诞生了, 它的营养远非茶水或咖啡可以比拟。开水能够溶解可可中的营养物质, 于是, 通过一杯热水, 我们就能够吸收可可中的能量。
Soluble cocoa is also mixed with sugar, and made into a paste called chocolate. When you go for very long walks, you should put some chocolate drops or "creams" in your pocket. Chocolate is very nourishing, and keeps up the strength of the body very well.
可溶可可还可以与糖混合, 从而形成一种名为巧克力的粘稠物质。如果你需要长途跋涉, 最好带上一些巧克力粒或者“奶油夹心巧克力”。因为巧克力非常有营养, 能够很好地补充体力。
When you drink cocoa, you should always mix plenty of milk with it. I hope that you are fond of cocoa. It is a much better drink than either tea or coffee, especially for young people, and it will help you to grow big and strong.
当你饮用可可时, 记得放入许多牛奶进行搭配。希望你会喜欢可可, 它比茶水或咖啡要好很多。对于青少年来说更是如此, 可可能够让你长得更高、更壮。