第七十一课 马萨诸塞人和南卡罗来纳
The eulogium pronounced on the character of the State of South Carolina by the honorable gentleman, for her Revolutionary and other merits, meets my hearty concurrence.
I shall not acknowledge that the honorable member goes before me, in regard for whatever of distinguished talent or distinguished character South Carolina has produced.
I claim part of the honor; I partake in the pride of her great names.
I claim them for countrymen, one and all—the Laurenses, the Rutledges, the Pinckneys, the Sumters, the Marions, Americans all.
whose fame is no more to be hemmed in by state lines than their talents and patriotism were capable of being circumscribed within the same narrow limits.
In their day and generation, they served and honored the country, and the whole country, and their renown is of the treasures of the whole country.
Him whose honored name the gentleman himself bears, —does he suppose me less capable of gratitude for his patriotism, or sympathy for his suffering,
than if his eyes had first opened upon the light in Massachusetts, instead of South Carolina?