And when you do that, you take all the power you have in your life, and you give it away. You just throw it all away, because you're blaming other people. By blaming your professors, or your university, or your friends or family or your circumstances, you give your power away to them, but you need to embrace it.
Think about the lies that you tell yourself to rationalize being lazy. When you take the easy road and you leave discipline behind, when you say to yourself, I'll start studying for my exam tomorrow, and then tomorrow comes and you say, I'll start studying for my exam tomorrow. And the exam deadline is getting closer and closer, and a few days before the exam you realize you haven't started studying yet. And the panic sets in and the sleepless nights begin. It's too late.
It's the day of the exam you sit at your desk. You open the exam paper for the first time and you experience that all-too-common sinking feeling when you realize you don't know the answer to any of the questions. You know what I'm talking about. We've all been there. It's the excuses and the lack of discipline that are taking you down paths that you shouldn't be going.
There are a million reasons why you're disappointed, but the reasons are not important. What is important is what you do about it. What is important is how you're going to spin it so that you take advantage of the situation. Failed an exam? Good. Study two hours a day extra from now on. Had an argument with a friend? Good. You just had a crucial lesson in social science. Try to stay more calm next time. Keep waking up late and getting to class late? Good. Go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier tomorrow. Whatever your problems are, they are fixable. You just have to persevere.
And as you work at it brick by brick, you might start out awfully inefficient and incompetent at studying. But being willing to put in the work, and grind it out, and becoming someone who people actually look up to and admire, at that moment in your life, you'll realize it was worth it. All the pain, the suffering, the late-night study grinds. It was all worth it.