Kurt Cobain曾经说过,比起让别人喜欢虚伪的我,我宁愿让别人讨厌真实的我。事实上,你真实地做自己就好了,真正对你重要的人,他们不会因此讨厌你。
Being real, being yourself is the greatest filter you could ever use. It instantly filters out all the people that don't belong with you. And at the same time, it reveals those who do. Bob Marley said, the only problem is people are being hated when they are real and loved when they are fake.
做真实的自己,是最好的过滤器。做真实的自己,那些和你志不同、道不合的人,就不会出现在你的生活里。同时,与你志同道合的人,也会出现。Bob Marley说过,人们做真实的自己,会被讨厌,而要是他们伪装自己,却会被喜欢,这就是问题所在。
It's true, but what is missed here is one very important fact. The people that are hating people being real are fake people. And the people that are loving fake people are the same fake people. Real recognizes real. Real recognizes fake. So who do you want to attract? Fake people or real people?
Be yourself, and I promise you, eventually you will attract the right people. Be yourself. No matter what has happened to you, no matter who has hurt you, no matter what you believe, be yourself and be kind to others. If you do that, life will turn out far greater than you ever thought possible. If you don't, life will be painful.
Because living a life with a mask on, you can't see. Living a life trying to fit in, you will never. Living a life trying to be someone else, so other people will like you, you might fit in on the outside, but inside you'll never be complete. You'll never be happy.
Repeat to yourself every day. I am different. That is why I win! I am unique, and that is why I am great. I'm not like anyone else on this planet. I am grateful for who I am becoming! I am grateful for who I am! I am committed to be myself and speak my truth and all times, and I know that is the only time the right people will show up in my life.
Those who are meant for me, will love and support and be real with the real me. I'm done with fake people, and that includes a fake version of me. I will stand tall and stand strong in my purpose, in everything that matters to me. I'm different. That is why I win!