We are all capable of re-inventing ourselves. There's absolutely no reason why anyone should need to live in the dark times of their past when their future is bright and waiting for them.
Holding on to things that have gone wrong in the past is never going to serve your future. It's never going to make you feel good in the present. It will only increase your suffering.
So, you have to ask yourself. Is that event, that moment from my past, that moment that is OVER now, worthy of sucking all the joy out of my PRESENT and my FUTURE?
Am I really going to let that moment, that person or event win? Am I really going to let that take away all the joy of my future?
Let it go. We all make mistakes. We all do. Those who move on have the greatest chance of joy, both now and in the future.
Forgive yourself. Forgive everything and everyone and feel the weight drop from your shoulders as you walk toward your new life.
Repeat to yourself every day. I am not my past. I am not my mistakes. I am not my failures. I am who I decide to become. I am who I COMMIT to become. I commit to become the best I can be. I forgive. I move on. I look forward to the new me.MY BEST IS YET TO COME.