The House _1_ to vote soon on bipartisan legislation that would reduce student loan rates at least in the short term.he measure _2_ overwhelmingly by the Senate.NPR's Craig Windham reports backers of the bill say it would help 11 million students and save undergraduates an average of 1,500 dollars in interest charges.
The Senate bill like a similar measure passed by the House would link student loan rates to the rate on ten-year Treasury notes.That would cut the current loan rate of 6.8% by nearly 3% for undergraduates this fall.Democratic Senator Tom Harkin says the _3_ bill will lock in that rate for students.
“And that means we'll have an interest rate for the life for the loan.”Although rates could rise for new loans in future years as the economy _4_.The bipartisan bill would cap undergraduate students loan rates at 8.25%.House Speaker John Boehner _5_ on GOP lawmakers to support the measure.
Craig Windham, NPR News, Washington.
NPR新闻, 克雷格·温德姆,华盛顿报道。
1、lock in 把…锁在(屋等)里;把…包围在里面; 使…固定
eg:She locked all her valuables in a safe.
eg:The small country is locked in by other nations.
eg:Or you can lock in a fixed price with a supplier under a long-term contract.
2、cap 盖;帽子
vi. 脱帽致意
vt. 覆盖;胜过;给…戴帽;加盖于
eg:...a dark blue baseball cap.
eg:The unrest capped a weekend of right-wing attacks on foreigners.
1、is expected 2、was passed 3、compromised
4、improves 5、is calling