54 PASS: 通过,经过;去;经受;忽略;递,传递;度过
1. pass as 〔for〕 sb. or sth. ** 被当做,被认为是;假冒
解 习语;词义溯源:乔装成某人或某物通过
例 You look so much like the President that you could probably pass as him.
2. pass away 〔on〕 *** 逝世
解 短语动词;词义溯源:去了[远方(away)]或[前方(on)];是一种委婉的表达方法
例 Before he passed away, he set up a trust fund for his grandson.
3. pass muster ** 合格;通过检阅
解 习语;词义溯源:通过了[检查(muster)]
例 Half of the compositions submitted for the competition didn't even pass muster.
4. pass out *** 昏倒,失去意识
解 短语动词;词义溯源:经受[昏迷(out)]
例 Dozens of people passed out before they could escape the gas emanating from the subway station.
5. pass sb. or sth. by *** 从旁经过;对某人或某物没有影响
解 短语动词;词义溯源:从某人或某物的[旁边(by)]经过
例 The storm passed the town by.
6. pass sb. or sth. over / pass over *** 跳过,忽视;不加考虑;经过
解 短语动词;词义溯源:[越过(over)]某人或某物经过
例 The UFO reportedly passed over the town twice before disappearing.
The company passed over Keith, promoting his junior instead.
7. pass sb. or sth. up / pass up sb. or sth. *** 放弃;拒绝;忽视;错过
解 短语动词;词义溯源:[完全地(up)]忽略某人或某事;参照pass sb. or sth. by和pass sb. or sth. over
例 Last year I had to pass up the opportunity to go to the conference.
8. pass sth. on / pass on sth. *** 传递;传达;传染
解 短语动词;词义溯源:将某物向[前(on)]传递
例 Please review this article and pass it on to the next person on the list.
Could you pass this on to Mr. Fields? Tell him the parts shipment has arrived.
9. pass sth. out / pass out sth. *** 分配,分发
解 短语动词;词义溯源:将某物递向[外面(out)]
例 I'm passing out the application form. I want each of you to take one and fill it out.
10. pass the buck ** 推卸责任
解 〈口〉习语;词义溯源:将[责任(buck)]传递给别人
例 Nobody wanted to accept responsibility. They just passed the buck to the next man.
11. pass the hat ** 募捐;凑钱
解 习语;词义溯源:传递帽子
例 Let's collect some money to buy him a gift. I'll pass the hat.
12. pass the time ** 打发时间
解 习语;词义溯源:度过[一段时间(the time)]
例 We used to sit out on the porch, just passing the time.
13. pass the time of day with sb. / pass the time of day ** 寒暄
解 习语;词义溯源:与某人聊天来度过时间
例 People who live in towns often have no time to pass the time of day.
14. pass through one's mind / cross one's mind ** 瞬间想起;念头突然闪过
解 习语;词义溯源:从某人的脑海中经过;参照come to mind
例 The thought of killing the man passed through his mind.
1. 你跟总统长得太像了,你都可以冒充他。
2. 去世前,他为他的孙子设立了信托基金。
3. 提交的参赛作品中有一半都不符合基本要求。
4. 许多人闻到气味后晕倒了,没能逃离地铁站。
5. 暴风雨没有对这个小镇造成影响。
6. 据报道,不明飞行物两次经过小镇上空,然后消失了。
7. 去年,我不得不放弃了参加会议的机会。
8. 请审核一下这篇文章,然后把它传给列表中的下一个人。
9. 我现在分发申请表。我希望你们每个人拿一份,然后把它填好。
10. 没有人想承担责任。他们都把责任推给下一个人。
11. 我们凑些钱给他买一份礼物吧。我来负责募捐。
12. 我们以前总是坐在门廊上,只是为了打发时间。
13. 城里的人经常连寒暄的时间都没有。
14. 他的脑海里突然闪过杀了那个人的念头。