81 TALK: 说话,谈论
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    81 TALK: 说话,谈论


    1. talk a blue streak ** 滔滔不绝

    解 〈口〉习语;词义溯源:[滔滔不绝(blue streak)]地说

    例 Aunt Vivian called around ten o'clock and talked a blue streak.

    2. talk back to sb. / talk back *** 顶嘴,反驳

    解 短语动词;词义溯源:对某人[反着(back)]说

    例 One thing we never dared do was to talk back to Father.

    3. talk big * 炫耀,吹牛,说大话

    解 俚语;词义溯源:[得意地、炫耀地、大肆地(big)]说话

    例 I know he's only a clerk, but I let him talk big since he seems to like to.

    Bronson talks big, but when the fight starts we'll see just how weak he really is.

    4. talk down to sb. *** 用高人一等的语气说

    解 短语动词;词义溯源:说话时看[低(down)]某人或某物

    例 Parents tend to talk down to little children, although research shows it is not necessary and detrimental to a child's social development.

    5. talk in circles ** 说话兜圈子

    解 习语;词义溯源:兜圈子说话

    例 Like any good politician, Pearson is good at talking in circles.

    6. talk one's head off * 说得太多让人厌烦;唠叨个不停

    解 俚语;词义溯源:说得某人[头(head)]都[掉(off)]了

    例 Avoid getting into a conversation with Anne. She'll talk your head off if you do.

    7. talk oneself out ** 彻底说出,把话说完

    解 习语;词义溯源:对自己[彻底地、毫无遗漏地(out)]进行说明

    例 I just sat there listening until he had talked himself out.

    8. talk sb. down *** 大声说话盖过某人,在争论中赢了某人;说服

    解 短语动词;词义溯源:将某人说得五体投地

    例 Charles tried to argue, but the manager kept talking him down.

    He says he wants $600 for the boat, but I think I can talk him down and lower the price.

    9. talk sb. into *** 说服某人(做某事)

    解 短语动词;词义溯源:说服某人[进入(into)]

    例 Why did you let David talk you into doing this when you knew it was wrong?

    10. talk sb. or sth. up *** 大声地说;为引起兴趣而讨论;大肆吹捧

    解 〈口〉短语动词;词义溯源:[激情地(up)]谈论某人或某物

    例 MCDA Studios is accused of paying movie critics to talk Big Heart up in their weekly movie reviews.

    11. talk sb. out of (doing) sth. / talk sb. out *** 说服某人不做;说服某人放弃

    解 短语动词;词义溯源:说服某人不做某事

    例 I'm glad you talked me out of renovating this old house. It looks fine as it is.

    Do you think you can talk Dad out of his old motorbike?

    12. talk sb. out / talk out sth. *** (出现问题或者意见分歧时) 开诚布公地探讨

    解 短语动词;词义溯源:关于某人或某物[彻底地、毫无保留地(out)]说出来

    例 Let's go out back to the garden and see if we can talk our difference out.

    13. talk shop ** 三句话不离本行;(在工作时间以外)谈论工作

    解 〈口〉习语;词义溯源:谈论[商店(shop)]

    例 Nobody likes it, but everybody does it: talk shop while attending social events with one's coworkers.

    14. talk sth. over / talk over sth. *** 讨论,商量

    解 短语动词;词义溯源:谈论[关于(over)]某事的内容

    例 Why don't we talk your idea over at the dinner party tonight?

    We talked over a steak dinner and a bottle of wine.

    Mr. Lee prefers to talk business over drinks in a pub.

    15. talk through one's hat ** 瞎说,胡说八道;吹牛

    解 〈口〉习语;词义溯源:通过[职务(hat)]来说

    例 The man tried to appear knowledgeable in arts, but it was clear to all of us he was talking through his hat.

    16. talk turkey * 坦率而认真地谈话

    解 俚语;词义溯源:说[诚实的话(turkey)]

    例 After a few drinks and a lot of joking around, we started to talk turkey.

    17. talk until one is blue in the face ** 说话说到筋疲力尽

    解 〈口〉习语;词义溯源:说[到脸发青(until one is blue in the face)]

    例 You can talk until you are blue in the face, but I am still going to go!


    1. 薇薇安阿姨十点左右打来电话,然后开始滔滔不绝地说。

    2. 我们一直不敢做的一件事就是跟爸爸顶嘴。

    3. 我知道他只是个职员,但是我任他吹牛,因为他好像喜欢这么做。


    4. 父母喜欢用高人一等的口气跟小孩子说话,但研究显示这没有必要,也不利于孩子的社交能力的发展。

    5. 跟其他优秀的政治家一样,皮尔森也擅长说话绕圈子。

    6. 别跟安妮说话。如果你跟她说话,她会说个不停的。

    7. 我只是坐在那里听着,直到他把话讲完。

    8. 查尔斯想争辩,但经理的大嗓门一直压过他的声音。


    9. 你都知道这是错误的,为什么还被戴维说服这么做呢?

    10. MCDA工作室被指控收买电影评论员在他们的每周电影评论中吹捧《宽宏大量》。

    11. 我很高兴你说服了我,没有翻修这栋旧房子。它现在看起来很好。


    12. 我们回到外面的花园吧,看看能不能把我们之间的分歧说开。

    13. 没有人喜欢在与同事参加社交活动的时候谈论本职工作,但是大家都这么做。

    14. 我们在今晚的宴会上详细讨论一下你的主意怎么样?



    15. 那个人试图假装在艺术方面很有见识,但是我们大家都清楚他是在胡说八道。

    16. 几杯酒下肚,开一开玩笑,我们大家开始有话直说。

    17. 你就算说破大天我也要去!

      上一篇:80 STRIKE: 敲;击打,击球;达成;划(火柴); 下一篇:82 TELL: 说;告诉;散播;分辨

