Here we go . If we want to express a person who is tired of his work , always looking at his watch and cannot wait to the closing time. How should we put it? As usual , let's listen to a simple situational dialogue .
A : I didn't expect to see you at this hour , you must have goofed off. B: Goofed off? Maybe , but I'm not a clock- watcher. I finished doing what I should do and then knock off an hour earlier .
A : You'll be sorry if the boss finds it out. He may be give you the bag. B: I am sure of what I am doing .
Now have you spotted it? It is "a clock- watcher" . It's an idiom and a figure of speech. 字面上的意思就是一个看钟点的人,这在英美国家是一个比喻的说法,比喻那种对工作消极,厌倦,不感兴趣,一直看着钟表而等待下班的人。Well are you a a clock- watcher? Do don't be one , or you cannot do a creative job and the worst is, just like the word in the dialogue , you would be canned . In a word , please remember : 看钟点儿等待下班的人,英文是: a clock-watcher .
Now let's come to the dialogue study . Please write down the key phrases in the conversation, while listening to the recording . This is of kind of help for your listening comprehension.
A : I didn't expect to see you at this hour , you must have goofed off. B: Goofed off? Maybe , but I'm not a clock- watcher. I finished doing what I should do and then knock off an hour earlier .
A : You'll be sorry if the boss finds it out. He may be give you the bag. B: I am sure of what I am doing .
Now have you done? Maybe today's exercise is a bit difficult. I will explain one by one.
1 goof means "to make a stupid mistake." "goof off "means "to spend your time doing nothing especially when you should be working .' goof off 意思是: 闲逛,混日子,偷懒。we have another expression which is similar to"goof off " it is : goof around which means to spend time doing silly or stupid things. 意思是把时间浪费在荒谬无聊的事情上。
2 knock off means get off work , leave the office , be off duty and so on. Knock off 意思是下班的意思。
3 give you the bag 在这里意思是把把包包给你吗?不是了,it means "you are get fired." 我们通常说你捡起你的包袱走吧,意思就是赶走某人,用于职场上就是解雇某人了。