We've learnt four ways of telling somebody to keep a secret which are " Not a word. " ; " I am not one to kiss and tell. " ; " Keep it to yourself. " and " Keep your mouth shut. " And today I would like to share a new expression with you which means " Only you and I know. " which is way to say some information is very private. What's it? Let's listen to a simple situational dialogue and find it. A : Just between us . My marriage isn't going well . B : Are you fighting a lot with your husband?
It is " Just between us ." We also can say "It's between you and me. " "It's between us. " "It's stays between us." "It stays here. " just 可以放在 between 和stay的前面,以表示强调。Just between us字面上的意思是:就在你和我之间。在口语中说及秘密时,意思就是:这是你我之间的秘密(谈话),不要告诉别人。
Let's put it into practice. Please translate the following sentences into English. 1 只有你和我知道这事。
2 好了,我有主意了,但是这是我们之间的秘密,行吗?
3 在这里说的话不要告诉别人。
Think them hard and the answers will be given later. 1 This is between you and me. 2 Alright , I got an idea. But it stays between us. Agreed ? 3 What's said here stays here. The above sentences are from hit American films . Here are some tips we should pay attention to. 1 Alright 就是 all right .但是在电影中经常写为:Alright.在《老友记》里面 come on 就写为: c'mon. 2 Get an idea 意思是:想到一个注意。
3 Agreed 是个省略句。完整的句子是:Do you agree? 在影视脚本语言中,如果直接用实义动词来提问,相当于一般疑问句, 那么就用这个实义动词的过去式。We've learnt "Do you understand?" 在影视中就是:Understood?
Please listen to me to read the dialogue to see the differences between my pronunciation and the pronunciation in the recording. 请听我的发音与录音的发音有什么区别。
A: Just between us. My marriage isn't going well. B: Are you fighting a lot with your husband?
I will give explanations to you one by one. 1 just between us ['d??sbtwi:n?s] 【点拨】just 以爆破辅音[t]结尾, between 又以爆破辅音 [d] 开头,因此前一个爆破辅音[t] 这时就要保持沉默了。Between 以辅音[n] 结尾, us 以元音 [ ?] 开头,可以进行连读。 The stress falls on the first syllable .
2 isn't going [[i'zn'g?ui?]
【点拨】isn't 以爆破辅音[t]结尾,而going 又以 爆破辅音[g] 开头,因此前面的[t]不发音。The stresses fall on the second and the third syllable. 3 with you [wieju:] 【点拨】with 以辅音[e]结尾,you的发音半元音[ju:], 可以进行连读。
4 fighting ['fa?din]
【点拨】美语中[t??]发音为[din]. 句子中的连读浊音等一要看规则,而要就住特例。
Let's look at the stresses in the following sentences. They depends on a conversational dialogue in which how the speaker's mood is and your language sense .
1 'Just between us . 2 My 'marriage i'sn't 'going 'well .
3 Are you 'fighting a 'lot with 'your 'husband?
My marriage isn't going well . 【翻译】我的婚姻不如意。
【关键词】In this sentence "go" which is a key word refers to progress. It's used to talk about how well or badly something makes progress or succeeds. 意思是:(事情)进展,进行。We'er very familiar with the two sentences orally which are : Did everything go smoothly? 一切都顺利吗?How's it going? It goes well. 近况如何?很好。
【文法】这句中用现在进行时表示经常出现的情况。Well 是副词,修饰 go,做状语,表程度。
Are you fighting a lot with your husband?
【关键词】In this sentence "fight" means "to have an argument ". Here is a set phrase which is " fight with somebody about something", about 可以改为over, 意思是:因某事和某人吵架,争辩。For example: It's a trivial matter and not worth fighting about. 这是桩小事,不值得争吵。
【文法】此句中用现在进行时表示经常发生的事情。A lot 是副词短语修饰fight , 表频率。With your husband 是介词短语,修饰fight, 表对象。