首先,let's have a review。在第十二课第一讲中我们讲到了let one's face fall 是某人自己使自己失望。
那么现在我想说“某人使得别人失望”“令别人大失所望”,还是要用到face和fall这2个单词。这时候又怎么说呢?What's it? Please listen to my sentence:Mary made his face fall from head to toe because she wasn't at the party. Mary使得他极为失望,因为她没有参加他的派对。在这个句子中,就是把let one's face fall中的使役动词改成了另一个使役动词:m-a-k-e,make,即:make one's face fall。It's similar to saying"make someone disappointed"。
Let's look at tow more sentences. 1 My daughter makes my face fall to make the same mistakes over and over. 我的女儿令我大失所望,因为她一而再,再而三的犯同样的错误。2 My student made my face fall at not winning the first prize in the international ballet competition. 我的学生令我大失所望,因为她在国际芭蕾舞比赛中没有获得冠军。
在第十二课第一讲中,我们学习了因为某事而let one's face fall的4种说法,那么说因为某事make one's face fall同样可以有4种说法。即:make one's face at/about doing (or not doing) something;make one's face at/about/in/by something;make one's face (not) to do something;make one's face fall of something。
1 Please complete the following sentences according to the Chinese.
the job her face fall.
It our fall that he us.
Not getting the job makes her face fall.
It made our faces fall that he shouldn't have failed us.
2 Please translate the following sentences into English.
You made my face fall as I had expected you to win.
I'll make my parents' faces fall if I fail to get the degree master.
New employees make the boss's face fall.